FAQ's & Contact Us
Does Shepherd’s Office accept used clothing?
Yes! we are happy to receive seasonally appropriate clothing. We can always use (gently used) sweatpants, hoodies, and socks, and (new) underwear, everyday wear such as jackets, jeans, and long sleeved shirts are good donations during the transitions between winter and spring and summer and fall. In winter, we typically request hats, gloves, scarves, heavy coats, gently worn shoes & boots, and colder weather garments. We also gladly accept items such as bikes & helmets!. Our administrative staff accepts donations from
from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday, &
Saturday 10:00 am to 2:30 pm, as well as 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm ​​​
@408 North Bedford St. in Georgetown, DE
Does Shepherd’s Office Ministries accept household goods such as
silverware, glasses, dishes, pots & pans, towels & bedding, etc.?
The Shepherd’s Office Ministries mainly accepts clothing, supplies,& food donations unless we are aware of a specific need.
However, you may contact the Administrative Office to discuss the types of items you have... (302.858.4547)
Where else can I donate items?
There are many places to donate furniture in this area, including Conley’s Church Thrift Shop. (http://conleysumcthriftstore.com/)
They accept many household items & furniture. Their Drop-Off hours are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 10 am & 2 pm.