Our Mission
Helping homeless, hungry, hurting people...
Our mission is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus by feeding, clothing, & caring for the homeless, hungry, hurting people. By improving the lives of the most needy among us & helping them to become self-reliant, we improve the lives of all.
“For I was hungry, & you gave me food;
I was thirsty & you gave me drink;
I was a stranger, & you took me in;
I was naked, & you clothed me;
I was sick, & you visited me;
I was in prison, & you came to me.”
Matthew 25:35-36

We are Here to Help You!
Helping the Homeless However We Can!
We often help the "Run-aways," & we sometimes help the "Stow-aways," but we always help the "Throw-aways." The "Run-aways," who are the strongest, have the most resilience & seem be able to accomplish their goals quickly. The R in Run-away means Resilience. They don't need our free food or free clothes or free stuff for very long.
The “Stow-aways” are sadly hidden away and are vulnerable, invisible, voiceless, & isolated. The S in Stow-away means Sadness. They usually are not able to reach out to us for help; we have to find them. We are sad that we can't help more of them.
The "Throw-aways" are the ones nobody wants hanging around. We are grateful to God that He has placed us in a position to help the throw-aways. The T in Throw-away means Together. We give them free food & free clothes and free everything, & they stick around! We also stand next to them & guide them, & they become part of our Team. Together we figure out ways that we can move forward as a Team & help others.
What do all the Run-aways, Stow-aways, & Throw-aways have in common? Loneliness.
I think we have an epidemic of loneliness because of many reasons. We can't snuggle with them, but we can share a free healthy meal with them, & we have lots of possible new friends that could meet them during our Free Everything Events (lots of free stuff, even water). Maybe our hospitality team can shave off like 5 % of the loneliness. This is a start, because some people don't even have any eye contact with other people for days, even weeks. At the Shepherd's Office Ministries in Georgetown, we can work on the loneliness epidemic together! Let's team up today & fight loneliness. Let’s not let people fight it alone anymore!
We lean on God's forgiveness & God's love. In other words, every person who drops by is very important to us, and we do fail sometimes because of our own weaknesses & shortcomings. But "as a whole," our Team members & I are here at the Shepherd's Office Ministries during most days ready to welcome the newcomers reaching out for help. Thank you, God, for calling us to be helpers of your children. We are super grateful to be in a position to help. Please give us your wisdom & your strength.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving us humans.